Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Miss Wrylin Snodgrass

Soo.. We didn't go anywhere we had intended on going or take any pictures we intended on taking. Instead, we got these :) We went to the most random places and came across the most interesting characters. All in all, the pictures turned out great! Wrylin is beautiful which makes for some pretty pictures. Thanks for working with me, Wrylin. My favorite :)

Taylor & Leigh

We had a VERY adventurous journey during their session. We drove through a jungle for the 'field' shots & drove across the world... twice.. to climb down the side of a mountain to find the tunnel with the railroad tracks. Okay... Maybe I'm overexaggerating.. but we did go through a lot to get these pictures, lol. I hope you like them, Leigh & Taylor!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


With Brittany's pictures I had a really hard time picking a favorite because she had so many great shots! So, I just put all my favorites :) She was absolutely stunning and we had a fun time today. Thanks Brittany for your time and a chance to work with you! Enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Money, money, moneeeey.

Starting in August I will start charging, as I mentioned in a previous post. I decided I'll be have a $25 charge for a 2 hour session and $5 for every additional half hour. This includes the sitting fee, proof disk (free of any copyright), and all editing. As far as prints go, I still don't think I'll do that. If someone wishes for me to have the prints done, we can discuss that personally then.
Thanks everyone!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

{Anna Veatta}

Okay so, we had a very entertaining day. Vee, Wesley, and I headed up to Little Egypt.. to the very top at the falls. Wesley carried a chair around for me all day and was there to help me up after my horrible fall. Towards the end of the session I slipped on a rock in the creek, was soaked from head to toe, and busted my knee open (looked AWESOME for my senior pictures today :). But through all the tragedy of the day, Vee's pictures were well worth all of it. She is absolutely gorgeous.. and she would do whatever I wanted :) From climbing up the side of the mountain to laying down in the water. Thank you, Vee, for being my little guinea pig :)
My absolute most favorite picture. No questions asked.

Vee wanted to do something fun :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Just wanted to let everyone know that starting in August I will start charging. So, if you want pictures for free, start booking now! I'm actually starting to fill up!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Miss Leigh Shepherd

Even though we were a little behind schedule considering Leigh and I both woke up late and I got lost on my way to her house, we got some pretty good pictures! It was a short session, because I was late for my brother's ball game and not to mention, it was super hot out! Thanks for your time, Leigh! I can't wait til our next session!

My favorite picture!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fourth of July Festivities

My enormous family and I gathered at my Mammaw's for the 4th and had so much fun! Sack races, bobbing for apples, three man carry, the bluegrass band, GREAT home cookin', fireworks, and so much more! She has 6 kids, and ten grandkids! Plus the in-laws and extended family, along with some friends. Such a great time!!

The Williams' Kids dominated.. haha.

We had an interesting scavenger hunt and the team leaders had to find a diaper and wear it on their head!

I love to hear a banjo! :)

The twins were soo cute helping each other!
This picture of Maddox is my favorite, EVER!